Tax Consultants
& Bookkeepers
At BEZT, we have almost 45 years relevant experience in the accounting, bookkeeping, tax and business environment.

Income and company tax
We provide Tax Related Services for the following types of entities
- All individuals earning the following types of income:
Salary, Taxable Allowance and Taxable Fringe Benefits. - Rental Income from one or more Investment Property.
- Local as well as foreign interest and dividends received from an investment portfolio.
- Capital gain made from the sale of one or more fixed property (including primary residence).
- Pension, provident and retirement fund lumpsum benefits received.
- Pensioners.
- Sole Proprietor Businesses.
Personal Income Tax for each of the partners of the partnership, including a personal balance sheet.
Close Corporations (Close Corporations Act of 1984)
Submission of the annual Close Corporation Tax return (IT14) to the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
Private Companies (New Companies Act of 2008)
Submission of the annual Private Company Tax return (IT14) to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) accompanied by the Annual Financial Statement for the particular private company.
Submission of the annual Trust Income Tax return (IT12) to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) accompanied by the Annual Financial Statements for the particular Trust.
Non-Profit Organisations
Submission of the annual tax return to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) accompanied by the Annual Financial Statements for the particular Non-Profit Organisation.
We perform bookkeeping services for the following business entities from monthly bank statements, cheques issued, tax and/or normal invoices, receipts, cash slips as well as monthly income and expenses summaries received:
- Sole Proprietors.
- Partnerships.
- Close Corporations (Close Corporations Act of 1984).
- Private Companies (New Companies Act of 2008).
- Trusts.
- Non-Profit Organisations.
Annual Financial Statements and Management Statements
We prepare Annual Financial Statements as well as Management Statement for the following business entities, which consist of the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement), Cashflow Statement, Notes to the Annual Financial Statements and the Tax Calculation:
- Sole Proprietors.
- Partnerships.
- Close Corporations (Close Corporations Act of 1984).
- Private Companies (New Companies Act of 2008).
- Trusts.
- Non-Profit Organisations.
Statutory Registrations
We assist entities with the following Statutory Registrations
- Personal Income Tax Registration.
- Value-Added Tax (VAT) Registration.
- Employees Tax Registration – PAYE, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and Skills Development Levy (SDL).
- Registration as employer with the Office of the Compensation Commissioner (COIDA).
- Registration as employer as well as the registration of each employee with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) office.
Submission of Statutory Returns
We assist business entities to submit the following statutory returns:
- Monthly, Bi-monthly and Six-monthly VAT returns to the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
- Monthly Employees Tax (PAYE, UIF and SDL) returns to SARS.
- Half yearly Provisional Tax returns to SARS.
- UI-19 returns to update the employees with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) office.
- Half yearly EMP501 Employees Tax Reconciliations as well as the issuing of the IRP5 or IT3(a) income certificate for each employee.
- Annual W.As8 Return of Earnings to the Office of the Compensation Commissioner (COIDA).
- Annual return for Close Corporations as well as Private Companies to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).
- Providing confirmation letters of annual turnover as well as sworn affidavits to EME (Exempted Micro Enterprises) for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) purposes as well as assist in obtaining B-BBEE rating certificates.
Registration of Private Companies
We register Private Companies with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) under the New Companies Act of 2008.
We are appointed as the Independent Reviewer for each of the Private Companies which get registered.
We assist in any changes that need to be made to the directors, shareholders, registered address and postal address of the private company. We also assist in the changing of the registered name of the private company.
Registration and Advising of Trusts
We assist with the registration of Trusts with the Master of the High Court.
We also advise on the structuring of Trusts for tax as well as estate planning purposes.
Tax Clearance Certificates and Letters of Good Standing
We assist in applying and obtaining Tax Clearance Certificates from the South African Revenue Service (SARS) as well as Letters of Good Standing from the Office of the Compensation Commissioner (COIDA) and from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) office.